1 to 1 Healing Session


What brings us to take action in our life?  Usually some form of discomfort.    A point comes in one’s life where we are called to find deeper meaning in our life.  This is the hero’s journey, the journey within and the great leap to begin unraveling what we thought life was like, finding the truth that lies beneath the surface.  I call this re-remembering your Spirit within, your inner light that has always been there, it has just been covered up by the trials of life.  Maybe you feel stuck in a pattern, stuck in an emotion, stuck in a chronic health condition, stuck in a job you don’t love, stuck in a routine that feels confining.  Other times, we can just sense that something is calling out to shift and change in our lives. 

Our personal journey of inner healing can be challenging at times and sometimes we need a little help.  The healing approach I offer is energy healing combined with intuitive guidance.



A healing session lasts 60 minutes.  In the first half, we will begin by discussing what your healing goal is at this moment.  Some clients come with a very specific goal in mind, and others have a broad idea that something feels out of balance but are not quite sure why.  Both are welcome and we will discuss this more during our time together.  With the help of my Spirit Guides, I will read the energy of where you are right now in relation to the intention brought forth, offering intuitive guidance and suggestions for actions to help you continue your healing journey after the session. 


The second part of our time together will be the energetic healing.  During this time, I will have you relax in whatever way feels right for you.  Many people prefer to lay down, others sitting up in a meditative state, or if you prefer to move around, that is ok too.  At this time, I will work with my Spirit Guides to allow them to create energetic shifts in your body via Shamanic Healing to help balance the energy in a way that supports you in your area of focus.  I do this through drumming, rattling, and chanting. 



This part comes after the session is complete.  Taking actionable steps after a session helps integrate the healing work done by the Spirit Guides.  During our time together, I will offer some suggested actions for integration that I feel may be of benefit to you.  I like to visualize this as planting a seed in a garden.  In other words, you need good garden soil, then spend time tending to the garden so that the plant has the best environment to grow strong and healthy.  The seed planted is the intention.  The preparation of the garden soil is the healing work done by the Spirit Guides, and the action for integration is the tending of the garden which are the steps you take to continue to cultivate this new plant.  When a plant is first starting to grow is when it is most vulnerable, but with the right conditions, this new seedling can grow and thrive.  With time and dedication, this plant becomes more self-sufficient.  This tending to the garden is the self-care that you do as you continue on your personal journey of spiritual growth. 

After the session, I will take some time to type up a personalized summary of our time together. This will include: intuitive guidance points that came through during the discussion portion, a description of the healing performed, and suggested actions for integration.